Personal growth
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I had the privilege of being one of the presenters at the virtual event organized by the Association of Muslim Schools South Africa, 2020.
The theme of the conference was; "Education of the Heart is the Heart of Education".
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I was asked to give a talk at the UFUK DIALOGUE Women in Leadership Conference, commemorating Women's Day.
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Maryam Lemu - Living a Life of Purpose
I gave a talk via zoom to Muslim Circle Malaysia on the topic "Living a Life of Purpose" In this talk, I share 5 key areas that if we can balance our lives around, Insha Allah we would have lived a beautiful life, a life of purpose.
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Maryam Lemu on Countering Violent Extremism through Love and Tolerance
I was asked to give a talk recently on Countering Violent Extremism through Love and Tolerance. This is not my area of strength. I am not an expert in this topic neither am I a scholar. I am actually a student. My bother Nuru Lemu is the expert. However he, my husband and a colleague Mustapha Mas'ood shared their in depth knowledge with me which I shall be sharing with you.
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We have all been blessed with our own unique gifts and talents. We often compare yourselves to others. We wish and dream about having other people's gifts. Allah doesn't make mistakes. You have what it takes. You have to believe that. Go ahead and make a name for yourself.
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Maryam Lemu - Shine Your Light Brightly (Episode 1 of 3)
Salams. Thank you for joining me on what I am calling my lecture series. I am extremely passionate about character development and ensuring ones moral compass is facing qiblah. I also love to talk about leading a meaningful life and finding peace and contentment in all we do.
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Maryam Lemu - Shine Your Light Brightly [Episode 2 of 3)
Salams once again. Thank you for joining me for the second installment of the journey to shine our light brightly. We need to stop focusing on negatives and start finding solutions and being part of the solution. In this video, I share a quote which I love very much that says: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem".
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Maryam Lemu - Shine Your Light Brightly (Part 3, Final Episode)
Salams. Thank you so much once again for joining me for the final episode of "Shine Your Light Brightly". In this episode, we will explore small acts that we can do to make a difference and help us be more significant and be the "most useful". It all boils down to doing, being, touching lives, improving and adding value, however small.
Resources on Personal
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Shine Your Light Brightly
I pray that wherever you go, whatever you do, you do it for a purpose Greeter than you. I pray you become hungry to learn and grow, hungry to develop yourself and build your brand. Hungry to contribute. I hope this hunger spur your desire to live life to the fullest and not just exist.
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12 Great Tips On How To Remain Poor and Irrelevant
I came across this very interesting write-up and it stirred something Inside of me. I believe it has many life lessons and reminders for us all, and for our youth in particular on what not to do and how not to live. There are many online sources for these 12 nuggets of financial wisdom and I’m not really sure who the original author is.
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The bystanding effect
I want to talk to you about the “bystander effect”. Over the years I have Iwatched so many beautiful people who are so good, so well behaved and who seem to have their moral compass facing in the right direction, standby and watch as others do things around them that clearly they know is wrong, yet say or do nothing about.
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A Special Prayer For You
I had a conversation with someone a few weeks ago that inspired me to Iwrite about ‘spirituality’In the course of our discussion, he wondered how he could become more spiritual, more conscious of Allah. He thought it would be better if he withdrew from people and became more of an introvert, more like a monk, in order to
achieve this.
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The Grass is not always Greener, so Nurture yours with Love
The Grass is not always Greener so Nurture yours with Love.
Sometimes we look at what others have and wish we had the same.
Be careful comparing your spouse or your relationship to that of your friends, parents and others. Every marriage is different and unique.
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Rights And
Obligations Of
Here is the list of the default or assumed material and non-material
moral and legal rights and obligations or responsibilities of the
husband and the wife in Islam.
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